Kyle Sampson is a young, accomplished professional living in Prince George, British Columbia where is currently serving as a City Councillor. He was first elected in October 2018, and at the time his public appointment made him the youngest person ever elected in the City of Prince George. In October of 2022 he was re-elected to serve a second term. In tandem with his public service, Sampson remains very active in his professional roles, including his tenured employment with a longstanding local business, operating his own company, and volunteering his time and expertise with countless local organizations, charities, non-profits, and events.
Sampson moved to PG with his family in 2002, where over the years he completed his schooling, began to get involved in the community, and started his career in Broadcasting, as well as the music and entertainment industry. After relocating back to Edmonton for work, he returned to Prince George in 2013. Sampson left his career in broadcasting and joined the corporate team at Pacific Western Brewing Company where he currently manages the marketing, communications, branding, sales, events, community partnerships, and charitable giving across northern BC, in addition to leading their popular environmental ‘Cariboo Cares Reforestation’ program. Sampson continues to work in a consulting and freelance capacity in the events, entertainment, and music industry sector through his own company. He also volunteers a significant amount of his time and expertise supporting several local organizations, groups, not-for-profits, and events.
His experience in the entertainment, events, and music industry is vast; he has been called upon to work in various capacities on events and projects of all sizes and budgets. His personal passion for concerts and music-based events has helped shape his businesses focus in those areas, however not
exclusively. He has a background in concerts and festivals, television ‘special’ producing and show development, public relations and communications, brand development and marketing, political campaign managing, and charity focused fundraising and marketing.
Sampson’s roots in PG are firmly planted, and he and his partner are committed to maintaining prince George as their home. When not at work or City Hall, Sampson often takes in our communities’ amenities, natural assets, and the fun activities that frequently occur around town with friends and family.
In 2016, Sampson was awarded the Community Ambassador Award at the Prince George Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards. In 2017, he received the Above and Beyond Award from Premier John Horgan for his efforts and selflessness in service of the province in the response to the 2017 Wildfires. He was named a Top 40 Under 40 in the 2018/19 publication from the PGCoC for his accomplishments in business and significant community involvement. His work leading PWB’s Reforestation Program was recognized in 2019 with the Chambers Environmental Leadership Award. In 2019, he also led the team at Cariboo Rocks the North Music Festival to receive the Top Marketing Campaign Award, and in 2020 the Remarkable Visitor Experience Award. Sampson initially created the event in 2016 through his role at PWB and has continued significant involvement and leadership in the event in various capacities as it has grown and changed over the years.
Sampson's personal interests include concerts, travel, dancing, volunteering, concerts, kayaking, hiking, concerts, theatre, community events, concerts, and spending time with friends playing games or at the lake.
“I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities that have been afforded to me here in Prince George, and I will continue to give back to this community that has given so much to me,” says Sampson. “Prince George has been an incredible home, place to mature and grow in my career, and I am proud to lay my own roots here to call PG my home. I care deeply about ensuring I leverage my resources, contacts, and experience to help elevate our city and region to its full potential. Serving our city as a member of Council has been and continues to be one of the greatest honours of my life. I will continue to work with and on behalf of residents, businesses, community stakeholders, and other levels of government while looking for ways to build financial stability, resolve social and economic issues, diversify our local and regional economy and industry, enhance operational efficiencies, and develop better governance and transparency throughout the organization.”
“My family, my friends, my personal passions of music, travel, and community are what keep me going every single day. I am full of gratitude to be surrounded by such amazing people and incredible opportunity. To my family and friends I say, 'Thank you!'...”